Feast 720p (2014 Lang: English)
Author: Ahsoka | Date: 24-05-2017, 13:39
Category: Amateur Short Cartoons

Well, that guy, we do. We do apricate the craft and we respect the hell outta people who choose to follow their dreams. It's not just about fun short cartoons, it's about passion. When you have those two mixed together, just add some suspense or jokes or witty one-liners, whatever. You have a recipe for success. Nothing beats a good amateur short and we salute all the people who make it possible for us to watch them. If you're a fan of this particular genre, you're in for a treat: our selection is unmatched, unapparelled and un-many-things. Unbelievable, too. So just enjoy this crazy and amazing selection of amateur short cartoons.