Category: Amateur Short Cartoons

Description cartoon:
CGI 3D Animated Short Film "GOLIATH" Fantastic Sci-Fi Action Animation by ArtFX - Fantasy Action Film about a heroine that saves her world. A brave woman attacks a machine and saves her land. Since the plot is minimalist and simplistic, I'm not sure there are that many "plot holes" to fill. Our little "Gaia-esque" sprite, with her magic plant growing elixir, has simply used the (stolen and stored) reservoirs of such "life juice", contained in the monstrous mechanism (presumably the incarnation of human society and its destructive, mechanistic creations), to spur the natural forces to destroy the mechanical monster. Ah, yes, as terrible and inexorable as the powers of human "progress" may seem, they are puny compared to the latent power of nature. All it takes is a bold, sexy "ecological warrior" to release those natural forces and the Earth will again become green and friendly to all who love her. Typical eco-terrorist/tree-hugging fantasizing. It's one big "virtue signaling" video in which the seemingly puny lovers of nature use nature against those philistines who would destroy it (you can see the same story, writ rather larger, in "Avatar", among others). Nice animation work!
Information about the cartoon:
Original Title: Goliath
Country, Channel: France
Genres: Animation, Action, Adventure, Fantastic, Sci-Fi, Short
Creator: ArtFX, Julien Aubard, Simon Besombes, Michael Havart, Simon Rafin, Lamine Sylla
Cast: Lamine Sylla
Runtime: 5min
Animation, Action, Adventure, Fantastic, Sci-Fi, Short, ArtFX, Julien Aubard, Simon Besombes, Michael Havart, Simon Rafin, Lamine Sylla

Cartoon storyboard
Data cartoon
WEB MKV 720p 135mb
WEB MKV 720p 135mb

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