Judas and Jesus 720p - (2009 Lang: English, Sub: Ukraine)
Category: Amateur Short Cartoons / Adults Cartoons

Description cartoon:
How Judas grassed on Jesus to earn the 30 euros he needed as entry fee to Maria Magdalena's sex show. This is a fantastically blasphemous animated short. Full of violence, sex, and the kind of humour that strikes right at the heart of the self- righteous, this film has everything to inflame the Christian audience no doubt tearing this thing apart. Which is a shame, because the production is top notch, and the comedic timing is impeccable. Judas as a character is able to be sympathised with while also being the kind of despicable low-life that seems to embody most of today's oversexed youth. Any way you look at it, it is intelligent and challenging. Probably too pornographic to watch openly at work, this is still a must see. Rebellious, intelligent, sexy and constantly funny, a feature film could be made out of this material and I would lap it up. Brilliant stuff that I hope is appreciated around the world.
Information about the cartoon:
Original Title: Judas and Jesus
Country, Channel: Germany
Genres: Animation, Short, Adult
Creator: Olaf Encke, Claudia Romero
Cast: Friedemann Encke, Olaf Encke, Carsten Richter, Sandra Pfeiffer, Klaus Henscheid, Die Suurbiers
Runtime: 15min
Animation, Short, Adult, Olaf Encke, Claudia Romero, Friedemann Encke, Carsten Richter, Sandra Pfeiffer, Klaus Henscheid, Die Suurbiers

Cartoon storyboard
Data cartoon
BDR MKV 720p 363mb
BDR MKV 720p 363mb

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