Hey there, random visitor! We want to say "welcome". This here is the greatest collection of free cartoon TV-shows, animated shorts, anime series and full-length animated movies. Ever.
We know that the struggle is real: you can probably find all-time classics. As far as anime goes, it's probably some old Naruto episodes, or One Piece. You can find Simpsons episodes on the web, too. Maybe even a free-to-watch Disney movie. Chances are: they're all old. When you want to watch something new, it's not that easy to find a free download link that's 100% legit and won't infect you with God-knows how many malware programs.
Here, on our website, you won't have to worry about anything like that. You will get all the latest animation goodness delivered straight to your computer/tablet/smartphone/whatever screen. All the latest movies (no camrips, no low-quality, we have our sources!), latest episodes, shorts, you just name it.
Enjoy your stay and don't forget to press Ctrl+D to never miss a daily update.

Yamato The New Voyage - Space Battleship Yamato: The New Journey 720p (1979 Lang: Japan, Sub: English)

Arrivederci Yamato - Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato 720p (1978 Lang: Japan, Russian, Sub: English Russian)

Uchū Senkan Yamato 1 TV - Cosmoship Yamato (Season 1) 720p (1974 Lang: Russian, Japan, Sub: Russian)

Space Battleship Yamato III - Star Blazers - Bolar Wars (Season 3) 480p (1980 (1984 USA) Lang: English)

Space Battleship Yamato II - Star Blazers - Comet Empire (Season 2) 480p (1978 (1981 USA) Lang: English)