Category: Full DVD Movies

Description cartoon:
Animation, multiplication, cartoon movies, animated films - Type of film art, whose works are created by time-lapse shooting consecutive phases of motion cartoon (graphic or traditional animation) or bulk (bulk or stop motion) objects. Art animation engaged in multiples (animators).
Information about the cartoon:
Cartoons (animation final product) are generated by a time-lapse shooting of moving step by step manual stationary objects, or draw (on celluloid, paper or computer) phases of movement of objects, with their further by combining into a single the video sequence.
The history of animation begins July 20, 1877 in France, when a self-taught engineer Emile Reynaud created and presented to the public the first praxinoscope. October 28, 1892 Emile Reynaud shows in Paris Grevin Museum first graphic tape using "optical theater" devices acting differently than cinema projector - before the invention of cinema.
The first cartoons were drawn and painted by hand pantomime lasting up to fifteen minutes. Even at that time could apply sound synchronized with the image. Raynaud's has also created cartoons in which photos were used, along with pictures. In the future, the contribution to the development of the animation make other multipliers, creating paintings in a variety of genres and techniques.
Animation, illustration, Computer, multiplication, cartoon movies, animated films

Cartoon storyboard
Data cartoon

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