The aptly named Cartoons for Girls section of our amazing website lets you download, watch and enjoy all the girlish animation that has ever existed. Or download it 'cause, y'know, "your little sister asked" or "it's just for the kids, I'm not watching it".

In broad terms: if something is sparkly, all flashy and totally in love with the color pink (or our personal favorite, hot neon pink) – it's on here. Cartoons for girls offer you a great variety of genres, scenarios and stuff like that, but they all have one thing in common: targeted audience is prepubescent girls who go WEEEE every time a fairy appears on the screen. Some consider those kinds of animated movies to be a cold-hearted cash-grab, but you can always tell when something is good and made with passion. So, don't get too familiar with this overly long welcome-message, because we let our selection speak for itself. A wide variety of genres, franchises and scenarios. All featuring pink in one way or the other.

Info Downloads: 5 470 | Comments: 1
Info Downloads: 4 177 | Comments: 1
Info Downloads: 5 179 | Comments: 1