Main ¤ Series Cartoons ¤ Family Guy

Does Family Guy really need any introduction at all? Just in case you are confused: this section of our amazing website is dedicated to all the things Family Guy. And just in case you have been living under a rock for the last god-knows-how-many years, here's a brief introduction. Family Guy is an adult animated sitcom that has 15 full seasons and over 280 episodes.

This adult animation juggernaut is incredibly well-known. People love Family Guy and there's a good reason for that. The humor is always top-notch, even the often-criticized cut-away gags. You can't go wrong with Family Guy, since everything about this show just clicks. All the characters, all the jokes, running gags and yeah, even cut-away gags. That reminds me, did I ever tell you about that time when I saw a manatee write a TV show? Anywho, you really-really don't need to worry about the quality of the show itself. It's one of the all-time greatest and should be regarded as such. Just pick a season and laugh your ass off.

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